For the Love of God & People!
Matthew 22:37-40
Join us!
Sunday Prayer Meetings - 9:30am & 6:00pm
Sunday Service - 10:30am
Check out our Church Calendar for the most
up-to-date mid-week services
What to expect...
Walking into our building, you will be greeted with smiles, laughter, kids everywhere and as much coffee as you can handle. You'll be surrounded by people from all walks of life, all different ages and in different seasons of faith. We are a casual crowd, big on sharing the love of Christ and deepening our relationship with Him first, and each other second.
We start the service with a little bit of worship, share announcements from the front, giving details about ways to get plugged in. Then we sing another 3-4 songs, dismiss for Children's Church, and spend 40-50 minutes digging into God's Word through a sermon from our Lead Pastor or Elder.
You can come expecting to find real people, seeking to know God more and to do His will in our own lives, the community around us and beyond.
Children's Church
Available during the Sermon
Nursery - infant to age 4
Minnows - K - 2nd grade
Sharks - 3rd - 5th grade
Youth Group
Sunday Apologetics Class - 11am
Thursday Evenings - 6:30 - 8pm
Bible Studies
Tuesdays 1pm - Women's Book Study
Wednesdays 6:30pm - Adult Bible Study (on break for Summer)
3rd Saturday 8am - Men's Breakfast